Sulphur and ENT
A naturally occurring element on Earth, sulphur is one of the natural minerals that plays an essential role in the proper functioning of the human body.

A recognisable yellow colour, sulphur is a non-metallic natural mineral represented by the initial S in the periodic table. Sulphur is often described as a trace element. However, since it is found in our body in large amounts, sulphur actually belongs more to the mineral or macro element category.(1) Indeed, it is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. And more importantly, sulphur is one of the most vital minerals in the human body(2)
Sulphur plays a wide range of essential roles in our body. In particular, it is involved in more than 400 enzyme reactions and the formation of vitamins B8 and B1 as well as the composition of sulphur-containing amino acids.(3)
Sulphur is intricately tied in with the history of the Earth: it is found in the atmosphere, the oceans, the continents, volcanoes and in living creatures in the form of organic molecules.
Water can also contain a sulphur compound, hydrogen sulphide, which produces the sulphur water used in spas. Water used for its beneficial effects on the body, including in the treatment of certain ENT conditions….(3)
Sulphur is also found in food.
The richest food sources of this nutrient are of animal origin: red and white meat, offal, eggs (specifically yolks), fish and shellfish.
Some plants also contain high levels of sulphur, including onions, garlic, cabbage, turnip, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds (cashews, pecans, pistachios, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds for example).
Owing to its properties, sulphur is used to treat ear, nose and throat (ENT) infections(4) (a cold or blocked nose for example).
1 (accessed on June 28, 2022)
2 (accessed on June 28, 2022)
3 (accessed on June 28, 2022)
4 (accessed on June 28, 2022)
5 (accessed on June 28, 2022)